Plan Check is a review of plans, drawings and documents by the Building Official for compliance with the building codes. An accurate and detailed set of plans, specifications and supporting documents is required for most construction projects. Typical projects can be reviewed during a visit to a Building and Safety office, either at the counter or by appointment for more complex projects, or electronically via the EPIC-LA website (for unincorporated areas) or at the BSOP Web Application (for contract cities). Plan check may be required before a permit can be issued.

What is a Plan Check?
Plan Check is a review of plans, drawings and documents by the Building Official for compliance with the building codes. An accurate and detailed set of plans, specifications and supporting documents is required for most construction projects. Typical projects can be reviewed during a visit to a Building and Safety office, either at the counter or by appointment for more complex projects, or electronically via the EPIC-LA website (for unincorporated areas) or at the BSOP Web Application (for contract cities). Plan check may be required before a permit can be issued.
What type of Plan Check do you need?
Electrical Plan Check
Screen Permit Application Package for Completeness
Submit two sets of plans and specifications and pay any required plan check fees
Agency Referral Sheet Given to Applicant
An “Agency Referral” sheet is only provided for non-residential and ground mounted e-plan solar projects. The plan check engineer provides the applicant an agency referral sheet of County, State, federal or other agencies, from whom the applicant will need to obtain approval prior to permit issuance.
Plans and Specifications Reviewed
The plan check engineer reviews all documents for compliance with the Code and when necessary corrections are noted on plans and correction sheet. Applicant notified plans ready for pick up.
Plans Picked up, Corrected and Resubmitted
Applicant makes noted corrections and resubmits plans.
Plan Rechecked and Approved
Plans are re-checked and approved.
Agency Approvals Submitted and Verified
Applicant submits approvals from all agencies listed on the agency referral sheet (non-residential and ground mounted solar only).
Project Ready for Permit Issuance
Electronic Permitting and Inspections for the County of Los Angeles (EPIC-LA), is the online portal to Building and Safety Division’s electronic permitting services. On this site, you can submit plans, specifications, and supporting documents for review and approval, pay permit fees, and apply for a permit
Tell me about Electrical Plan Check
What work is covered by the Electrical Code?
The provisions of Title 27, the Los Angeles County Electrical Code (LACEC), apply to the installation, alteration, reconstruction or repair of any electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus, or equipment, within or on any building, structure or premises.
Where do I submit for an Electrical Code Plan Check?
Electrical Code plan checks are processed at Public Works headquarters, Building and Safety Division’s public counter. Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
When is an Electrical Plan Check required?
Electrical plans shall be submitted for review for the following proposed types of construction:
- Any installation rated above 600 volts.
- Installation, alteration, or relocation of electrical equipment rated at 400 Amp or greater. (Exception: 400Amp, 120/240V, Single Phase, 3 Wire electrical systems for single family residential dwellings do not require plan check).
- Theaters or motion picture theaters.
- Assembly halls, education, exhibition halls, multipurpose rooms, worship, auditoriums, gymnasiums, restaurant, place of awaiting transportation or similar places and having an occupant load of 100 or more persons.
- A health care facility with surgical operating rooms such as nursing homes, clinics, medical and dental offices, and falling within the scope of Article 517 of the Los Angeles County Electrical Code.
- Installations in locations classed as hazardous locations by the provisions of Chapter 5 of the Los Angeles County Electrical Code such as: areas for the handling or processing of explosive or ignitable mixtures of flammable gas or vapors (paint spray booths, paint processing, fuel dispensers, etc.); the handling or processing of explosive or ignitable mixtures of dust (grain, hay and potato processing, machine shops not including magnesium or aluminum processing, etc.); and the handling and processing of easily ignitable fibers or materials (textile mills, clothing manufacture, wood shops, etc.).
- Tenant improvement installations submitted within twelve (12) months of the approval date of shell building electrical plans.
- New construction, tenant improvement installations, and alterations with a conditioned, unconditioned floor area greater than 1,000 square feet will require review to verify compliance with the State's Electrical Energy Conservation requirements California Energy Code (CEC) Section 100. This energy plan check is in addition to the plan check required in subsection (6) above.
- New construction, tenant improvement installations, and alterations with the outdoor illuminated area greater than 30,000 SQFT or addition / modification of 8 luminaires up to 400 Watts.
- All solar photovoltaic systems.
- All battery storage and energy storage systems.
When determined by the Building Official, electrical plans may be required for any electrical installation.
Where Electrical plan check is not required, the installation shall meet the requirement of Los Angeles County Electrical Code, California energy standard and California Energy Code (CEC).
Over-the-counter Electrical plan review
Are performed at the Public Works Headquarters Building and Safety Division’s public counter Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for the following:
- Residential solar photovoltaic roof-mounted systems 10kW or less
- Residential energy storage systems under 20kw. (may change based on characteristics of battery)
- Alterations to indoor lighting systems for:
- Either removal or reinstalling a total of 10 percent or more of the existing luminaires; or
- Alterations that replace or add entire luminaires; or
- Alterations that add, remove, or replace walls or ceilings along with any redesign of the lighting system up to 5000 sq. ft.
- Outdoor lighting up to 100,000 sq. ft.
Electrical plan check expiration and extension
An application for electrical permits for which no permit is issued within one-year of the date of application shall expire by limitation. The Chief Electrical Inspector may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days beyond the initial one-year limit upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. An extension fee of 25 percent of the plan check fee is required. No permit application shall be extended more than once, after which, a new application shall be filed, and new plan check fees shall be paid.