You are able to use our Florida State Tax Calculator to calculate your total tax costs in the tax year 2024/25. Our calculator has recently been updated to include both the latest Federal Tax Rates, along with the latest State Tax Rates. It has been specially developed to provide users not only with the amount of tax they will be paying, but also with a breakdown of all the tax costs that will be incurred, taking into consideration any deductions they may be eligible to receive.
Our Florida Salary Tax Calculator has only one goal, to provide you with a transparent financial situation. By seeing how all of your taxes are split up and where each of them go, you have a better understanding of why you pay the tax you do, where the money goes, and why each tax has a purpose.
Note: Keep in mind that when you are filing both your State and Federal tax returns, you should always consult with a professional. Failure to do so could result in filing these taxes wrongly, and thus landing you in trouble.
Please consider – there is no state income tax in Florida. It is one of 9 states which do not have state income tax. Furthermore, withholding tax does not apply to employment income in Florida. As for the other states where income tax conditions are the same, we should mention Alaska, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Wyoming.
Note: New Hampshire only taxes interest and dividend income. Washington taxes the capital gains income of high-earners.
Enter your Gross Salary and click "Calculate" to see how much Tax you'll need to Pay