Editorial Style Guide

The Harvard Law School Editorial Style Guide was developed by the HLS Communications Office to support consistency within and among multiauthor HLS publications (magazines, reports, journals, and newsletters) and platforms (websites and blogs) across the school. Originally developed by the Harvard Gazette, it is based on the AP Stylebook, with minor modifications specific to Harvard University and Harvard Law School. Going forward, it will serve as the guide for all written editorial content on the Harvard Law School website, Harvard Law Today, the Harvard Law Bulletin, and other platforms, and will be updated at least once each year. The HLS A-Z Style Guide is also available as a reference — providing recommendations for spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and proper usage of common words and phrases. Spelling guidance will be drawn from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary or Merriam-Webster online. For questions about this guide, please contact the HLS Communications Office at editorial@lists.law.harvard.edu.

Last updated: July 28, 2021


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